Aug 29, 2021 Circulars & Notifications Attachment
The Ministry of Finance vide Circular No. 16 dated 29th August, 2021, has extended the due dates for various compliances under the Income Tax Act, 1961 in view of the genuine hardship faced due to the pandemic.
One of the significant changes for the NGO sector is that the last date for revalidation of registration under 12AB, 10(23C) and 80G of the Act has been further extended from 31st August 2021 to 31st March 2022.
In other words, an organization registered under the above section can apply for renewal in the respective form on or before 31st March, 2022 at the Income Tax portal i.e.
The above mentioned circular stating the extension of time limits under various compliances of Income Tax has been attached herewith for your reference