Nov 18, 2020 Circulars & Notifications Link
In our effort to decode the recent changes in the FCRA law, we are pleased to announce the "Webinar on FCRA Amended Rules - Decoding the Rules & Forms of FC(R)(Amendment) Rules 2020" to be held on 27th November, 2020 from 3 PM to 5 PM on Zoom Platform . This is the 3rd Webinar in this series. In this webinar we would be looking at the implications of changes brought in the Foreign Contribution (Regulation)(Amendment) Rules, 2020
Webinar link will be sent once you register.
Who can join: Civil Society Leaders, NGOs Functionaries, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants and other technical experts etc.
Speakers – Dr. Manoj Fogla, Dr. Sanjay Patra, Mr. Sandeep Sharma and Mr. Suresh Kejriwal
Please avail of this opportunity and circulate widely to all in your own networks.