Governance Blog
Governance may be defined as “a transparent decision making process in which leadership of an organization, in an effective and accountable way, direct resources and exercises power on basis of shared value.” (Handbook on NGO Governance; Marylin Wyatt). The overall goal of governance is to ensure that the objectives of the organization are achieved and the interest of various Stakeholders is protected. It has been said that proper governance requires the Board to stand outside the organization and hold it accountable to the Stakeholders interest. Board Members play a role of catalyst in facilitating the Organization to achieve its desired objectives.
Are board members primarily fundraisers? Cheerleaders? A rubber stamp to legitimize the actions and decisions of the management? Do they run the organization? Are they window-dressing the organization or are they seriously governing? How many meetings they attend? How do they know whether they are doing a good job, or when it is time to go? There are some of the questions which remain unanswered. Non-profit governance places high demands on board members since NPOs are accountable to a very complex and multiple stakeholder groups. This tool box will discuss about the desirable characteristics/ qualities that are to be looked in for selecting Board Members.
To read the complete article on “Characteristics of Board Members” see the attachment below
What qualities would you look for in a Board Member? Please Share your views.