Nov 21, 2022 Circulars & Notifications Attachment Link
As per the MHA notification dated 1st July 2022 [S.O. 3025(E)], the Central Government has specified the Offence, Penalty & Officer for compounding the offences under the FCRA, 2010. Details about one of the offence is given below:
Offence |
Failure to place the audited accounts on its official web-site or web-site as specified by the Central Government within the prescribed time. |
Description |
The person having FCRA registration or FCRA prior-permission and not uploaded the audited Balance Sheet, Receipts & Payment A/c and Income & Expenditure A/c on its official web-site within 9 months of the close of the respective financial year can apply for compounding of offence. |
Penalty |
Ten Thousand rupees for each violation. |
Officer competent for compounding |
Director, or as the case may be, the Deputy Secretary in-charge of the section responsible for the administration of the Act. |