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Webinar on Decoding the FCRA Amendment Bill 2020

Sep 29, 2020 Circulars & Notifications Attachment Link

The FCRA Amendment Bill passed by the Parliament and awaiting President's assent to be notified will have a massive impact on the existing functioning of NPOs in India- structural, operational and even existential for many. We are enclosing herewith our latest edition of Standard & Norms which provides a non-technical analysis of the FCRA Amendment Bill 2020. You can also download the same from our website using this link

We are also pleased to announce that FMSF is organising a webinar "FCRA STORM-Decoding the FCRA Amendment Bill, 2020’ in collaboration with CAF India, Centre for Social Impact and Philanthropy(CSIP) and GuideStar India.

During this webinar, we would try to decode and unravel the proposed bill; what the changes could mean to NPOs and how they could respond and prepare. 

Date – 29/09/2020

Time – 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Topic - Decoding the FCRA Amendment Bill 2020 

Registration : To register Click here

Webinar link will be sent once you register. 

Who can join : Civil Society Leaders, NGOs Functionaries, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants and other technical experts etc

Principal Speaker – Dr Manoj Fogla 

Panellists - Mr. Suresh Kejriwal, FCA
                 - Dr. Sanjay Patra, Executive Director, FMSF
                 - Mr. Sandeep Sharma, Director-Programs,FMSF

Civil Society Voices

                 - Ms. Ingrid Srinath, Director CSIP

                 - Ms. Meenakshi Batra, CEO,CAF India

                 - Ms. Pushpa Aman Singh, CEO, GuideStar India

Please avail of this opportunity and circulate widely to all in your own networks.

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